Air Pollution: PolarQuest2018 and the Svalbard Islands Brand - Svalbardislands

Air Pollution: PolarQuest2018 and the Svalbard Islands Brand

On July 22nd, Polarquest2018 began, a geographical and scientific exploration around the Svalbard Islands. Departing from Isafjordur in Iceland, at this moment, the Nanuq vessel is navigating the waters of Greenland; the expedition is expected to reach the Svalbard Islands archipelago by August 1st. The main purposes of the mission are to search for the remains of the airship ITALIA, piloted and - even before that - designed by Umberto Nobile, which disappeared along with the aircraft during the incident on May 25th, 1928, and to investigate the atmospheric pollution to which all of us, whether aware or not, contribute.

A mission aimed at monitoring the quantity of plastic waste at sea and raising awareness

In memory of the tragedy, on August 4th, a meeting will be held at the Airship Museum, with a group of descendants of that crew who lost their lives many years ago. In the following two days, a commemoration will take place in King's Bay, the place from which both ITALIA and Norge1, an airship also built by Nobile, departed.

There are many supporters of PolarQuest2018: the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Research Council (CNR), the CentroFermi, and the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva are vigorously supporting the mission, which also aims to monitor the progress of atmospheric pollution, flora and fauna, as well as collect data on existing plastic waste at sea and deepen the study of cosmic rays.

Respecting the environment is possible: the Svalbard Islands brand proves it

This expedition, characterized by love for nature and low environmental impact, has found a valuable technical sponsor in Svalbard Islands, a young clothing brand with excellent quality, resistant and durable over time, and with urban style, which can be worn not only during adventurous missions but also for a simple stroll in the city.

Svalbard Islands demonstrates that respecting the environment is possible: in particular, the Nobile N1 jacket can be defined as a "zero waste" garment, perfect for any climatic variation, even the most severe. With its purchase, in addition to the one-year warranty, there is a guarantee of reconditioning the garment after use: in this way, CO2 emissions, the use of fertilizers, water waste, and atmospheric pollution in general will be reduced. Particularly relevant features include the presence of a multimedia pocket capable of reducing electromagnetic waves towards the body by 60%. No less important are the Ballonett, a waterproof rear pocket with an ergonomic zip, and the Oblò, consisting of a touch film for Smartwatch activation.

Soon in stores, a new sustainable clothing item.

uring Polarquest2018, three Nobile N1 jackets were used, both during navigation and terrestrial excursions in the Arctic pack.

For the production of this exceptional sustainable clothing item, Svalbard Islands launched a crowdfunding campaign on May 12th, 2018, with the final goal of reaching 12,000 euros. Thanks to this, it will finally be possible to purchase Nobile N1 online or in stores, starting from October of this year.

Nobile N1


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